You can pick a total of 3 end-game talents.

You can spend your talent essence on any talent from any class specialization! From here on out, you will roll a new random ability every 2 levels with few exceptions(see below). Upon reaching level 10 you will roll your first random ability and receive your first talent essence. Upon reaching level 2 you can no longer reroll your starting spells. You can reroll your starting abilities at level 1 only(more details below). When you first log in to the game on a new character you will have nine Ability Essence which will be automatically spent to provide you with 4 abilities(unless you roll Tame Beast, which counts as 3 abilities). Look for an updated realm name as launch approaches. The first step is to ensure you join the correct server! When you connect to the realm list you will see a new Season 6 server September 25th at 18:00 server. 10.1 How do you obtain Skill Cards on WoW Ascension?.9 Dice of Talents | Repicking your 50/60 Talents.8.5 Scroll of Fortune are unique to each specialization.

8.4 Some Spells can be rerolled for no Scroll of Fortune Cost.8.3 Scroll of Fortune Availability and Release.8.2 How Do I Obtain Scrolls of Fortune?.8.1 How Do I use Scroll of Fortune on Ascension?.7.1 How do you pick your end-game talent abilities?.7 Picking Your End-Game Talents on WoW Ascension.6 How does leveling with random abilities work on WoW Ascension?.5.1 Important notes about the Loaded Starter Dice:.5 What are Loaded Starter Dice? Do I need them?.4.1 Check out the Wildcard Build Guide!.4 Not sure which spells to start with or where to go from there?.3.2 What spells can I ONLY roll at level 1?.3.1 What Spells can I roll or not roll at level 1?.3 Rolling Spells at Level 1 on WoW Ascension.